Vending Machines For Sale and Used Vending Machine Prices


Alright, gather ’round for the ultimate lowdown on vending machines – the unsung heroes of snack salvation. If you’ve ever pondered the price tag dangling on these munchie magicians, you’re in for a treat. We’ve dissected the numbers, scrutinized the trends, and sprinkled a dash of 2023 wisdom, all served up with a side of chit-chat about the juiciest vending machine investments on the block.

But wait, there’s more! We’re dishing out some golden nuggets for your vending machine business blueprint. Brace yourselves, ’cause we’re diving deep into the world of vending wizardry, and you won’t want to miss a beat.

Ready to unravel the financial enigma of vending machines? Buckle up, my snacking comrades, and let’s roll!

Vending Machine Price Tag – To Rent or To Own? Picture this: a shiny new vending machine winking at you from the corner, flaunting a price tag that could rival a used car. Brace yourself, ’cause you’re looking at anything from £3,000 to a jaw-dropping £38,000! Yep, you heard it right – some vend-stars are flexing their price muscles.

Hold your chips, though! You’ve got options – snagging a used machine could be a game-changer. You might score one for as low as £200, or if you’re feeling fancy, treat yourself to a mini vending dynamo starting at £300.

But wait, there’s more to this saga! Say hello to the comeback kings – used and refurbished champions, available at a wallet-friendly £1,200 to $3,000. These babies are perfect for the rookies in the vending game. Plus, here’s the cherry on top – you can also take the leasing route, kickstarting your vending adventure without breaking the bank. For as low as £50 to £150 a month, you can dip your toes into the world of vending marvels.

Maintenance Mayhem and Snacking Stats Congratulations, you’re the proud parent of a vending machine! But don’t let it get too comfy – maintenance is the name of the game. Set aside around £50-£100 per month for this munchie maestro’s upkeep. Trust us, a well-kept vending buddy is a happy vending buddy.

And as for restocking, well, that’s a dance between a few hundred to several thousand pouds a month, depending on your snack squad. Don’t forget the real estate – snagging prime space for your vending marvel might set you back around 7% of the earnings.

Satisfying the Bottom Line – How Much Moola? Drumroll, please! The big question – how much can you rake in from these vending virtuosos? Brace yourselves for the roller coaster of earnings. On average, vending machines belt out a tune that ranges from £35 to a whopping £300 per machine per month.

Newbies might find themselves dancing to the £0-£50 jingle, while the heavy hitters with prime locations strut their stuff with over £1,000. And for the crème de la crème, those star-studded vending wonders hanging out in fancy hotel lobbies or office building entrances could pull in a cool £10,000 or more.

So, here’s the scoop – vending machines, they’re like that quirky friend who’s always got your back when hunger strikes. Bottled water, anyone? They’re the vending heroes of the snackiverse, and finding their groove is an art. It’s all about the prime location dance, and if you play your cards right, those vending machines could be pumping out more than just chips – they might be doling out wads of cash too!

Fun Fact Finale – Luxe Machines and Tidbits Hold onto your munchies, ’cause we’re dishing out the grand finale – the world’s most expensive vending machine extravaganza! Picture this: vending machines showcasing luxury cars. Talk about a snazzy twist! Autobahn Motors in Singapore is the maestro behind this swanky symphony. Fancy rolling off in a car after grabbing your favorite snack? Well, it’s not just a fantasy anymore.

So there you have it, the delicious journey through the vending universe. Whether you’re crunching numbers, juggling snacks, or dreaming of luxury cars, the vending world is your oyster. Dive in, snack aficionados, and let the vending adventure unfold! 🍔🥤🚗

If you’re looking to add a vending machine to your organisation so you and your team always have convenient access to a wide range of delicious snacks and drinks, then get in touch with us here at VendingNI to learn more about how we can help you get started with vending machines.